Voice for Justice UK

You may have already seen our VfJ advert and a talk given by Lynda Rose on “Empowerment or Exploitation?”  Here at last is an interview with Lynda, the Director of Voice for Justice, explaining the vision, values and aims of this worthy organisation:  http://youtu.be/7wJXOyW9COs

Increasingly in our society we are seeing freedoms eroded, individuals abused, the right to speak curtailed and religious liberty under threat. VfJUK has been formed to defend the voiceless, speak truth to power and uphold justice, standing on the original articles of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights. They take a particular interest in trafficking – a fast growing form of modern day slavery, but are also concerned for the defence of the unborn and the protection of elderly. They are motivated by a love and respect for every individual and fight for all who are marginalised, vulnerable, or exploited.  They work with the government and advise on new legislation. Their biblical worldview underpins everything they do and can be summed up in Amos 5:24 “… let justice flow like a river and righteousness as an ever-flowing stream…” Righteousness, justice and truth are indeed the bedrock of society – if we lose them, the foundations begin to disintegrate. To find out more go to www.vfjuk.org

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