PDT Media works as a voluntary Christian service to the Body of Christ. It provides professional filming, editing and production of programmes. The suggested donations are to cover the cost of materials, wear and tear of equipment and travel expenses.
All types of productions are carefully edited to include opening, closing, superimposing of titles, scripture references etc. Some productions need more editing than others. Estimated time will be given before proceeding with the job.
Travel expenses are suggested at 50p per mile.
Overnight accommodation expenses to be covered.
Catering – we would expect meals to be provided if appropriate.
Copying of DVDs and CDs
PDT Media provides a copying facility and reserves the right to hold the master and copy all material produced by itself. Suggested donations:
£ | |
DVD copy with plastic sleeve | 3.00 |
DVD copy in single plastic case | 3.30 |
DVD copy in plastic case with colour insert | 3.50 |
Suggested donation for design of DVD surface and colour insert £50.
If multiple disc cases are needed the suggested donations would increase.
For CD copying the suggested donation is reduced by £1 in each case.
Suggested donation for Videotape to DVD transfer – £10.00 per tape (includes one DVD)
Suggested donation for digitising audio tape to CD or mp3 – £10 per tape (incl one CD)
Please note that these suggested donations are a basic guide only. We look forward to serving you and helping to further your ministry.